where SIP happens

On St Pete Beach

Monday-Saturday: 5p - 10p
Sunday: Closed

An Innovative Wine Experience

Sample a range of wines without committing to a full glass. Embrace the joy of tasting, broaden your horizons, and find new favorites. Our collection spans continents, offering you an exceptional range of wines. From bold reds to delicate whites, each bottle is chosen to inspire your taste buds.

Elevate Your Wine Tasting 

At Sip, innovation meets tradition with our Wine Station Machine. Designed to enhance your wine-tasting adventure, this cutting-edge technology adds a new dimension to your experience.


For Exclusive Offers, Weekly Wine Tastings, and Special Discounts

Wine, Seltzer, Beer, and Food

We believe in celebrating a range of flavors. While our wine collection steals the spotlight, we also offer an assortment of refreshing seltzers, beers, and food. Please ask our staff for the latest offerings that complement your palate. Elevate your gathering with an assortment of beverages and food, each chosen to enhance the moments you share.

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Visit us today

Embark on a journey of flavors and discovery at Sip. Experience the allure of exceptional wines and unforgettable moments. Reach out to us for more details – we're here to make your wine experience truly memorable